“If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try Again”
One of the greatest things about God is that he continues to work with men and women despite their own limitations and failings. Too often they do not allow God to complete what He starts within them.
What is it that makes the difference? Why are there some who seem to accomplish so much with their lives and so many that don’t? Is it…
Family Background—- High percentages of great men and women have come from broken homes.
Wealth— Some of the greatest men and women of accomplishment have come from households of average to below-average means.
Opportunity— Two people with similar gifts, talents, and resources can look at a situation, and one person will see tremendous opportunity while the other sees nothing. Opportunity is in the eye of the beholder.
High Morals—- I wish it were that simple and that this were the key, but it’s not. I’ve known people with high morals but were low achievers and I have known people with low morals, as a matter of fact they were scoundrels but high producers.
The Absence of Hardship—- For every success who has avoided tragedy there’s a Helen Keller who overcame extreme difficulties or a young David of the Bible who survived absolute horrors.
None of these elements, I believe are the key. I believe that the “difference” between average people and “achieving” people is their perception of the response to failure! We must always remember that the difficult takes time, the impossible a little longer. Nothing is great in the beginning stages when God first starts working in person’s life. That person’s prayers will be elementary. Their efforts will be clumsy and uncoordinated. Their whole sense of walking with God will be spent in the shallows. But if that person refuses to give up or if they refuse to give in. if their desire, determination and their sense of purpose will capture their emotions, then God will work with that person’s life. So then remember, “If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try Again”.